
It’s been way too long since I wrote an update on this website, so I’m going to try and summarise what I’ve been up to over the past 4 months. The second term of my year exchange did offer some new experiences, getting to know new people and continuing to get to know others!

I think one of my biggest highlights of this term however has been getting back into Taekwondo and competing in my first ‘formal’ competition in over 10 years! While it was a different style to the WT rules I’ve been used to, it was such a valuable experience that I really enjoyed! What made it the most however was being with the Queen’s University Kang Duk Kwon club, which made me feel welcome from the day I stepped in the Dojang at the first training session back in September. I’ve been hooked ever since! It’s going to miss training with everyone involved and if I ever get chance, would love to visit and train again one day!

Another big highlight for me was experiencing the Canadian winter. While harsh, cold and at points extremely depressing walking to lectures in -20 degrees, it really was something else entirely. I can’t for a moment think of anything similar that I’ve done in my life. I’m not sure I’d sign myself up for it again anytime soon,

I usually spend way too much time reflecting on experiences and this year abroad has been no different. If anything, the importance of taking opportunities and making sure to schedule in time to relax is one thing I’ve learnt.

I’m also pleased that I haven’t ended my year abroad with any moments of regret, I’ve met so many brilliant people and I’ve managed to see some incredible places. From an NHL game to a Spring Break in Cuba; Cross-Country Skiing to learning to Ice Skate. While there’s a few things I think I’d have done differently, overall, it’s worked out to be a brilliant experience!

What's next? I've got a couple of weeks of relaxation and catching up with friends before heading down to London for a 9 week internship. No doubt it's going to be another busy period!
